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Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Day Thankful for Thanksgiving

*will be adding to this daily

Day 1- I am thankful being blessed with the children I do have. 

Day 2- I am thankful for being blessed with a husband that understands me and wants to see me successful in all my ambitions.

Day 3- I am thankful for my In-Laws and the close relationship they have with my children. The effort they make to be a constant influence in their lives. 

Day 4- I am thankful for wine. It is so delicious not that I am a raging alchy because I rarely get to drink alcohol in any form. But when I do it is a great way to unwind after a hectic day,week, month, year, etc.

Day 5- I am thankful that we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food in our bellies. 

Day 6- I am thankful that as a woman I have the ability to vote. I exercise that right and I am hoping to pass this on to my children. The importance of voting is too great not to pass on. Making your voice heard is uplifting and freeing. 

Day 7- I am thankful for my Mother in Law. She has been a huge blessing in our lives. Making me a better wife & mother. I know I can count on her if I need advice or suggestions. 

Day 8- I am thankful for my sense of humor otherwise parenthood wouldn't be as entertaining.

Day 9- I am thankful for movies & TV otherwise I would get no cleaning done with small children around.

Day 10- I am thankful family time. I enjoy just popping in a movie for us all to enjoy. Our silly traditions we have around the holidays mean so much more to me than anything else.

Day 11- I am thankful for all the men and women that fights for this country, for our freedoms. I am thankful for the Veterans. Happy Veterans Day :) 

Day 12- I am thankful silly television series that keep me entertained.

Day 13- I am thankful for growing up with caring parents that were a good example of right and wrong. Taught me to stand on my own two feet.

Day 14- I am thankful for a great support system. It has been really helpful in this journey to a better , healthier me. My husband is my greatest supporter. He is taking the brunt of my mood swings on my journey of quitting smoking. 

Day 15- I am thankful for Music. It knows how to speak to me when I feel lost or kicked down by life. Puts things in perspective and lifts my spirits. It is also a huge motivation :) 

Day 16- I am thankful for cover-up. Seriously I have been breaking out all over my face this month. BAD!! 

Day 17- I am thankful for sweatshirts and hoodies. As this weather gets cooler I love being able to have layers :) 

Day 18- I am thankful for intimacy. It is a great stress reliever. 

Day 19- I am thankful for Dishwashers. I would be seriously lost without one. I hate what the dish water does with my hands. Drys them out so bad they crack and bleed. 

Day 20- I am thankful for UPS and their fast deliveries. My kindle replacement should be coming today :) 

Day 21- I am thankful for everything God has given me. Good family & friends.

Day 22- I am thankful for my great children. Although they have their faults (realistically who doesn't) they are good kids.

Day 23- I am thankful husband the provider :) 

Day 24- I am thankful for my son's school. They have been extremely helpful and understanding. Without their constant support I am not sure I would be making it through this process as well as I am.

Day 25- I am thankful for everything good that has come into my life. 

Day 26- I am thankful for to be married to my best friend. His constant support and understanding of all the crazy I can give off. He really is my rock.

Day 27- I am thankful that the month is almost over.

Day 28- I am thankful that soon I will not have to be writing this post anymore. I really am running out of things to write. 

Day 29- I am thankful for the freedom of expression. I would't feel like myself without my tattoos, piercings or crazy hair colors I sometimes do. 

Day 30- Finally, I am thankful for all the love I am blessed with. Also blessed with being able to give it away and love unconditionally.

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