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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Disney Princess Sofia not Latina enough for the Latin Community

                      Oh boy do they always find something to complain about when race is involved. 
Here is the statement Disney released on the issue :

          What’s important to know is that Sofia is a fairytale girl who lives in a fairytale world. All our characters come from fantasy lands that may reflect elements of various cultures and ethnicities but none are meant to specifically represent those real world cultures. The writers have wisely chosen to write stories that include elements that will be familiar and relatable to kids from many different backgrounds including Spain and Latin America. For example, Sofia’s mom comes from a fictitious land, Galdiz, which was inspired by Spain [...] this creates a world of diversity and inclusion that sends just the right kind of message to all children -- “Look around you, appreciate the differences you see and celebrate what makes us all the same.” I am eager for you and your children to meet Sofia and experience her world together!

 This is Princess Sofia. Although she doesn't premiere til Nov. 18th. There is already controversy about her complexion, hair and eye color. I personally think is ridiculous! People need to find other things to do with their lives and realize we all look different and we should not live our lives looking at color/race, religion, sex, etc. 

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