So I and my MIL were on the search for the Kiera the Popstar Halloween costume. What a nightmare! The only ones we could find looked cheaply made for the $30's they wanted for it. So I decided well we can always throw one together and get it look similar and that way she could always wear the pieces again. Right? Wrong! Apparently stores don't sell or are all sold out of Purple sparkly dresses. And purple skirts or purple shirts. Ridiculous right? So My MIL calls me up and says I found this dress but it is white & has fur on it. So she ended up getting it and I am just going to dye it purple. I am going to have to seriously modify it to get it even close to what it is suppose to. So looks like I have a project on my hands. Thank goodness I have 3 1/2 weeks til Halloween. Should be plenty of time right? Right? Just say yes.
Anywho, Thankfully my sons wasn't quite as hard to find the size was the only issue that were ran up against. The kid just needs to stop growing he is getting way too big for his britches.
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