I say goals instead of resolutions because I never keep them.I try and try again every year and do really good for the first two months of the year and then it all goes to hell in a handbasket. Well this year for the first time I am gonna do a word change and see if that helps.
First on that list of goals for the year is to continue to Blog at least once a week. We shall see. So far it has been a couple times a month and then I end up missing some months anyways. Some would call it writers block I call it laziness on my part.
2nd goal: actually go on dates with my husband. Other than our anniversary and valentine's day. I would actually like to go on whole weekend date with my husband with no kids. I am thinking maybe for our anniversary. We will get a sitter. We will have fun. We will have lots of hotel sex.Hopefully in Vegas :)
3rd goal I would like to take the kids on a mini vacation this summer. Either camping or even a day trip to an amusement park would be nice.
4th goal is to at least get down to a size 8. I was comfortable with that size. I am not asking to pure perfection just a smaller size. I don't even care if my stomach is totally flat with 6 pack abs. I just want to be smaller. alot smaller stomach with a little bit smaller ass.
5th goal to start having a Family Game night Once a week. The kids are getting older and it will be fun. I want to teach them all the oldies but goodies.The awessome board games that we had as a kid.
The final goal for the year is to quit smoking and stay quit. I am hoping to have this goal accomplished before the year 2012 is over.Slowly going to wean myself off the cigarettes. Then when I am down to 1 or 2 a day I am just gonna quit cold turkey from there.
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