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Friday, December 30, 2011

goals for 2012

I say goals instead of  resolutions because I never keep them.I try and try again every year and do really good for the first two months of the year and then it all goes to hell in a handbasket. Well this year for the first time I am gonna do a word change and see if that helps.

First on that list of goals for the year is to continue to Blog at least once a week. We shall see. So far it has been a couple times a month and then I end up missing some months anyways. Some would call it writers block I call it laziness on my part.

2nd goal: actually go on dates with my husband. Other than our anniversary and valentine's day. I would actually like to go on whole weekend date with my husband with no kids. I am thinking maybe for our anniversary. We will get a sitter. We will have fun. We will have lots of hotel sex.Hopefully in Vegas :)

3rd goal I would like to take the kids on a mini vacation this summer. Either camping or even a day trip to an amusement park would be nice.

4th goal is to at least get down to a size 8. I was comfortable with that size. I am not asking to pure perfection just a smaller size. I don't even care if my stomach is totally flat with 6 pack abs. I just want to be smaller. alot smaller stomach with a little bit smaller ass.

5th goal to start having a Family Game night Once a week. The kids are getting older and it will be fun. I want to teach them all the oldies but goodies.The awessome board games that we had as a kid.

The final goal for the year is to quit smoking and stay quit. I am hoping to have this goal accomplished before the year 2012 is over.Slowly going to wean myself off the cigarettes. Then when I am down to 1 or 2 a day I am just gonna quit cold turkey from there.

so christmas has come and gone

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know we did. Kids got lots of stuff,hubby liked everything I got him and I got my kindle fire that I really REALLY wanted. The kids for the most part behaved themselves. Which is a big thing because a.couple days before Christmas they were acting like spoiled little monsters. Seriously, I was seconds away from canceling Christmas all together. Almost did til they realized I was serious and they were dangerously close to missing out on presents. Anywho,we are coming up on the new year. Yeah 2012 will be here this weekend but that is another post entirely.

Seattle Steam book series

So I am half way through the 3rd book of the Seattle steam series and I got to admit. These are steamy novels. Might as well be reading porn when it comes to the sex scenes.they also have a good story lines. Anyways they are written by shelli Stevens. The first book is called dangerous grounds,the second is called chasing Adam and the third is called seducing allie.
I would highly recommend reading this series if you are into romance novels.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas is only 11 days away!

Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love to decorate and send out christmas cards. Oh and the shopping, I love shopping for gifts for all the people I love. I am glad it is almost here. I always get so excited and want to give out the gifts early. I never really have been very patient about waiting. I get so excited like everyday is christmas morning and I am about to explode with anticipation. I am the same with birthdays too! This I get from my mother. She never could keep a secret when it came to gift giving. I knew what I was getting weeks a head of time as a kid. I also helped wrap the presents for the other kids. Plus I was a big snoop LOL. But my husband is smart. I never know when he has bought me a gift and still after 7 yrs together I have yet to find his present hiding place. This man is crafty. One day I will find it muaHAHAHAHA *insert evil laugh here*

moving on......I have yet to finish my wrapping. I keep saying I will then I procrastinate like no other. Oh I will do it later I keep telling myself. Well I can tell you I will not be doing it on christmas eve. I will do stocking stuffers on Christmas eve, also My husband's family holiday party is christmas eve. I love going. Looking forward to going this year. I picked up what I am gonna wear last night. Need to figure out what I am going to do for the kids. I have been searchin for weeks but I haven't found anything I like. The Dress selection this year blows donkey butt. My son is easy, my daughter is a little harder to please. She didnt like any of the selection easier. LOL but she is a little fashionista in the making. Too late to order online now Won't make it here on time for christmas. No way am I paying extra for it to be shipped expressed. I am way to cheap for that LOL.

Losing Faith

Just some ramblings about losing faith and do you ever really get back to it?

In our darkest hours we tend to question our faith the most. The "Why did this happen" is a big question we ask ourselves. We try to rationalize but we never really know why bad things happen. When we don't get a satisfactory answer we question our teachings, our faith and our lives. As a believer in god I was taught that God always has a plan, whether or not his plan conflicts with my own plans is irrelevant. I believe there is a lesson to learn in every decision we make and in how we deal with things. Life feels a lot like a board game. There are some moves you make that are necessary, some moves are chances or leaps of faith. There are obstacles: which ever faith you believe in throwing curb balls. If you makes it to the end and you have had a fulfilling life you win. If you fall short of that well, what was the point?

To answer my question in the first sentence. I don't think we ever make it back. Not to the original form anyways. The innocence of faith has been shaken. You have grown wiser, maybe a little bit colder and cynical. The point is that it has spoken to you on a level you don't even realize. Your Faith is what helps form who you are from who you were and who you are going to be in the future. Listen to your faith. It is wise way beyond simple comprehension.