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Friday, June 3, 2011

Kindergarden and all that Jazz

My son starts kindergarden in the Fall. I am less than thrilled. He has been with me since the day he was born. He is going to be in a special class. He has been evaluated. Still has a 2nd evaluation to do  but at it stands now it looks like he has a language learning disability. I dont like labels but am coming to terms with it. Because honestly in a way we all have labels of some kind. Whether it be a stay at home mom or someone that is adhd, bipolar, etc. I am scared for my son's future. I never thought I would have to deal with this :(

1 comment:

  1. ....I am sorry. It is going to be fine. My brother has (had) a language learning disability and went to become a Marine and earn his plumbing licence.
