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Monday, June 27, 2011

My daughter turned 3 today!

OMG she is getting so big right before my very eyes *tear*. We had her 3 yr old check up today and she is 39.5 inches tall and 33 pounds. Everything else is right on target. She didn't want to be there. This was about the same age that my son started to hate the dr's office too. She didn't want to get undressed and she didnt want the dr to touch her. She also brought her Princess baby dolls to her appointment :) so adorable.

Went to the Drive In's

Me,Kids,and my husband's cousin went to the Drive In's Friday night and saw Cars 2 and green lantern(in this order). My daughter ended up sleeping through 1/2 of the first movie. and my son ended up falling asleep 1/2 through the second movie. The kids were extremely hyper while we waited. Jumping around in the back and what not. Now normally I would have just let them out to run around (they have a place for kids to play,run,etc) but it was raining on and off.

*spoiler ahead, but much need if formation if you censor what your kids watch*

My Son LOVED Cars 2. My daughter did to but I think she just wants to see the whole thing LOL.This is definitely one we will be adding to the collection. The only this is with the 2nd one there was alot of shooting guns and stuff. there were spies and it reminded me alot of 007, golden eye, etc. but just with Cars characters.

Oh and green latern sucks but that is just my opinion.

Son's School

So we had gotten him into a school that he was suppose to go to on July 5th. We went and saw it friday morning/noon. He loved it there. WELL....I got a call from the school this morning turns out he doesn't qualify (because of his age). SO I have to go in for another meeting on wednesday morning at 10 am to figure something out. This was the school's mistake not mine. I swear to god I am gonna go nuts with all this bullshit. So I guess I will just have to see how things go......

Son got bit by a Dog this weekend

Me and the kids went to my husband's aunt's house this saturday for her daughter's graduation party.
Anyways My son went upstairs to go play in his cousin's room to play with the toys(I had asked if this was ok with his aunt, she said it was fine) So I left him there to go and tend to my daughter. I came back to check on him 10 mins (if that) later to make sure he was doing ok. I heard him crying and screaming upstairs( i swear I never ran up stairs so fucking fast). By the time I got up there Kayla(the daughter)'s boyfriend had already had the dog off and away from my son. I went in the room and asked my son what happened and he said the dog bite him forever (back round my son has a language learning disability, so this is how he speaks). So I brought him down stairs to check out the bite. There was no breaking of the skin thank god but there is alot of bruising up and down his arm. I feel so terrible. I swear to god I would have never left him up there alone if I knew there was a dog up there on the 2nd floor.

My son knows that not all dogs are nice and to ask the owner for permission before even attempting to pet or touch an animal. We have been over this a million times.He has been around animals alot. But he got curious in a new enviroment (his aunt had recently moved into a new home)he went to check out the other rooms(probably on a mission for more toys) and found the dog. backround on the dog. The dog is mean natured and that is why is was put up in the first place. His aunt feels awful, I feel awful, My son's arm is all bruised up and I feel like the worst parent in the whole world :(

oh I had my mother check it out the next day (she is an RN) and she said he should be fine. I also asked his Aunt and the dog is all up to date on his shots. We iced his arm just incase of any swelling (i didnt see any but it was a precaution) we put magical bandaids and he was fine after that.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

another busy weekend ahead

This week starting tomorrow I will be busy til july 4th. dr appointments, finalizing wedding plans(my BIL is getting married on the 3rd), a couple birthday parties, a graduation party, a wedding. Some how I need to get a backpack and basic school supplies, keep up on my housework, grocery shop, etc.

AHHHHHHHHH I already want to pull my hair out!!

Father's Day BBQ

We had a huge BBQ for father's day this yr. Played Horsehoes, kids played in the kiddie pool, it was fun fun fun! There was some drama but it is what it is and some people shouldn't drink and thats all I am gonna say about that LOL. My BFF and her kids stayed the night at our home. and then we played for most of the afternoon the next day. I am still exhausted from this weekend but It was a great weekend over all.

Bonus I got my husband out of jury duty summons til september :)

Officially Summer

Yesterday was the first official day of summer. I love summer! Love Pool time, bon fires, catching some sun rays, BBQ's, etc. But I am a little sad that my son will miss most of it.

IEP Meeting

Basically the IEP meeting I went to this past friday was setting up a preschool type setting that had all his special needs met (OT/PT/SPEC/speech) sort of a jump off to get him ready for Kindergarden. It is a 6 week long program, 5 hrs a day. Transportation is going to be provided. Thank Goodness. We are going up on Friday morning/afternoon to check out the school. They only had a few spots left in the area so I jumped all over it.  But He will start July 5th 8:15 to 1:15 and his last day will be August 12th. I will have to go to another meeting to set up a special programs and what not with the actual school he will be attending for the Fall.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Part 2 Evaluation

My oldest 2nd part Evaluation was today. It went ok. As in he behaved fairly well. The results were ok nothing I can't handle. They noticed he has some weak core muscles. Which I never would have noticed on my own. They are going to recommend if for some OT & PT services as well as the Speech services. I also found out that the IEP meeting is next friday. I probably won't get the full summary of today's evaluation til next week maybe.

Hotter than Hades

 Today and for the rest of the week. It will be in the mid to high 90's. It is a scorcher!! With my oldest's OT/PT evaluation today we didnt get much pool time. But it is all good in the neighborhood. My sis and her little munchkin are coming over tomorrow and we will have lots of pool time !!
Good thing we have lots of Watermelon and Water to keep us cool!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Road Trip!!

Sunday afternoon me and the kiddos took a road trip up to my BFF's. I packed some water and crackers for my daughter (she gets car sick) and a huge backpack filled with toys so they would stay somewhat entertained. It took almost 3 1/2 hours and a billion stops to get to her house. My daughter got sick once. We ended up spending the night. The kids had an awesome time. Bedtime was a bit rough because it was the first time they spent at someone elses house. And then they were up really early. We had breakfast and we were back on the road at 11. This time I took a short cut home and made it back home at 12:40. We only had to stop twice. My friend gave me something to help with my daughters motion sickness. It was a life savor! She didnt get sick at all on the way home. We sang songs most of the way home. My son LOVES road trips. I love road trips! I can't wait til my next road trip (which will be towards the end of the month).

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nipple Nibblers

Nothing like looking for a chapstick and coming acrossed a forgotten nipple nibbler stick. LOL

Supervisor Of The Little People

These days since my children are no longer babies and less reliant on me (unless it is for food of course or changing diapers). I feel less like a mom and more like a Supervisor. They can do most things on their own, some stuff still needs some assistance with but it is very little. They are very independant little buggers. They play by themselves or with each other. I of course have to bust up a fight every now and again like a prision guard lol. Thankfully they don't know how to make any make shift weapons aka a shank.

Tv Shows

One Tree Hill. My favorite show of all time or pretty damn close. They are coming back for a season 9 yay! But to be perfectly honest I would have been ok with the way they ended season 8. It was the perfect happy ending for all. I really hate when Shows end and they leave so many unanswered questions. Annoying as all hell. Like I loved Buffy but I want to know what they are up to now. Friends I wanna know if Rachel and Ross ever got remarried or had anymore babies.

Congrats Eastbound Jesus!!

They had Battle of the Bands last night at SPAC. I so wanted to go but my sitter fell through. Anyways, My husband works with a member of the Band Eastbound Jesus. They Won last night (out of 10 bands that competed). That is so completely awesome!

  • a professionally recorded EP at The Recording Company
  • a music video professionally produced by Modern Mix Studios
  • airplay on northeast radio station WEQX
  • over $800 in custom tee shirts and stickers by Saratoga Statement
  • and the opportunity to play a summer show at Putnam Den as the SPAC Battle of the Bands 2011 Winner!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Losing Weight

Losing weight sucks and it is hard for me. I was never a tiny girl. I have always had what I like to call "child bearing hips" but I was within my BMI so now after 2 children and 50+ lbs over weight is a hard pill to swallow. I have tried diet and exercise but it seems this fat wants to stick to me like glue. This July my BIL is getting married and of course I am in the wedding party. I want to look good but at this moment I am gonna look like a huge fatty :( I want to lose at least 30lbs by the wedding but that is an almost inpossible goal since July and the wedding is a month away exactly. I had lost almost 20 pounds after the new year but I gained half of that back. It is sooooo discouraging. Yeah I have to go do some exercising now. I am so disgusted with myself.

Kindergarden and all that Jazz

My son starts kindergarden in the Fall. I am less than thrilled. He has been with me since the day he was born. He is going to be in a special class. He has been evaluated. Still has a 2nd evaluation to do  but at it stands now it looks like he has a language learning disability. I dont like labels but am coming to terms with it. Because honestly in a way we all have labels of some kind. Whether it be a stay at home mom or someone that is adhd, bipolar, etc. I am scared for my son's future. I never thought I would have to deal with this :(

First thing on the drawing board~ Lazy Husbands

Lately I have been wanting to give my husband a huge swift kick to the balls.  Nothing but laziness lately. IDK what his deal is lately but it is driving me crazy. I know my husband works a 9-5  five days a week so I dont expect much from him when it comes to household duties and child rearing. That is my job, I am home 24/7. All I have asked him to do was keep up with the yard duties. Well now the snow is all melted and we are headed into summer I expect him to start mowing the lawn and such. Nope can't do that. I mowed the lawn the last two times. I literally have blisters on my hands from mowing this morning. I have alot to do this month(june) and dont need to add yard work to my ever piling schedule.ugh. I am starting to feel overwhelmed and when I feel overwhelmed my patience goes way down.

My First Blog

My first blog ever! Not sure yet what I will be writing about but I know it will be about life in general. Kids, venting, PIA husbands. You name it I will probably write about it.
BTW I suck as keeping at journals so I may write alot for a few days but then you might not see anything from me for a couple weeks/months.