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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wow it has been a long time

Fell off the map for a while there. been super busy and only kept up on my fb games. oh yeah those fuckers are addicting.

Any hizzle We had the baby shower for my SIL this past weekend.I made a little step stool with the baby's name on it. I think me and My MIL did an awesome job with the Shower. WE make a great team when it comes to planning and setting shit up for parties. WE are both reliable. but that is another story. There was a ton of food left over. So yeah I got some goodies to bring home. Saves me at least a couple more days of no grocery shopping.

 Ian's summer school ended. Such a shame he LOVED IT!!. He still asks if he can go to school today. Kindergarten doesn't start til Sept 7th. I have his new teacher and the school he will be attending but no Bus information, no school supply list. Shit is starting to piss me off. I would like to start doing that soon. I only have a handful of days where I can run errands and get shit done. I am thinking I am gonna go at least school clothes shopping in the next couple days. hell I might even do that tonight just to get it out of the way and to get the fuck out of  the house. going stir crazy after the rain the past couple days.

Been Potty training my 3 yr old. We are half way through week 4 of the sticker chart method. But we finally have Poop. She went twice this week on the potty. Oh yeah that earns ya 2 stickers. I swear to Hades that girls are harder to potty train than boys. My son practically potty trained himself in a couple days.

Any who I think that is enough for now..... til next time "Smile people will think your up to something"

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