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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

See you in September PTO

Just had our very last PTO meeting last night til September. Really it is a relief to not have to worry about it over the summer. It was cute though cause all the little kids made cards and thank you letters for us. School is coming to an end. Last day is June 20th. YAY!!!

Walking it off

MY weight that is. I lost 10 lbs since May 8th. Woo fricking Hoo!! Now I know it doesn't sound like much but it is the small victories that keep me going. I kept to my lemon water, Haven't had a soda in over a month. I walked everyday for the past 5 days. Some of those days I had multiple walks. Walking for 1+ hours at a time. Been walking Rain or shine. I am so proud of myself. And I have kept to my diet allowing 1 cheat day a week to keep myself on track. Now off to do my exercise routine before my husband returns. Don't want him to see my fat jiggling.