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Saturday, January 14, 2012

whats new ........

Sooo I have been slacking a bit in the blogging department. Not that anyone actually reads these anyways. Nothing new to report other than I am tired of my daughter saws mouthing me. Preview of the teen years I suppose.I don't like it one bit though. My mom has been venting about her new neighbors lol I have read some stuff but never really known anyone url to have problem with their neighbors before is a little comical and I have no idea what to advise to her. My son is doing awesome schoolwise. Me and
Hubby are planning a getaway for July (our anniversary).I am so excited.we got a sitter already,something that we thought was gonna be our biggest hurdle.I am gonna book the room probably in April. We are gonna go get our enhanced drivers liscences so we can cross the border. We are going to Canada. I have been a couple times but hubby hasn't. We are going have a blast

Saturday, January 7, 2012

goals being reached

Here we are 6days into the new year. Do far I have been good this year. We play our little bored games,which I have decided that we would turn it into a family fun night and we would take turns choosing which activity we would do that night. Options:
Bored games - life,monopoly,trouble,guess who,candyland,chutes& ladders,operation,risk
Card games - uno,phase ten,skipbo,and regular deck which can play a large variety of games
Wii games - bowling,sports,etc.
Movies - any movie whether on Dvd or out of our huge long as we all agree it is on.

I did really good the first 3 days with the no smoking thing. But life happened and I went back. It is currently 10:15 am and so far no cigarette today. I have been up since 7:30 am and normally would have had one already.